A Message from the Director of Water Services
I am pleased to present our
annual Water Quality Report summarizing the drinking water testing performed in 2022. Although this report is about Water Quality, I am happy to share with you the work and dedication of our employees to make certain you have high-quality, reliable, and affordable drinking water every day.
As we look back on 2022, the 20+ year drought continued, and the federal government declared the first-ever Tier 1 shortage on the Colorado River effective January 1, 2022, and a Tier 2a shortage effective January 1, 2023. Glendale has been planning and preparing for drought for decades and has a strong and diverse water resources portfolio. We are committed to providing a secure and sustainable water supply and encourage you to conserve water where you can.
Water is a vital resource for our desert community. Over the last few years, the Water Services Department made significant investments in our water treatment and distribution systems. We continue to evaluate the condition of our infrastructure and plan for repairs and rehabilitation to ensure high-quality and reliable water service to the residents and businesses we serve.
The quality of your drinking water is very important to us. The Water Services Department tests, analyzes and monitors water quality several times a day to ensure that the water provided is clean and safe to use.
If you have questions about this report, your drinking water, or other questions regarding our water system, please contact our Water Services Department at 623-930-4100 or by using the Glendale One interface at
Ron Serio, P.E.
Director, City of Glendale Water Services