Thank you for choosing Glendale to open your business
The checklist below provides the step-by-step
process to follow prior to starting your business in the
City of Glendale
*This list should not be construed as all-inclusive. Other steps may be appropriate for your specific type of business.
Before applying for a Glendale business license:
Verify property is legally zoned for your type of business by contacting Joseline Castaneda in the Planning Division at [email protected] or Lora Lakov at [email protected].
Determine what permits/plans are required for your business by contacting Lucia Perreault in the Building Safety Division at [email protected]. (Not applicable for home-based businesses.)
Once your Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) is approved and you have passed all your inspections, apply for a business license.
For questions, please contact [email protected] or 623.930.3190