Code Book User's Guide

Code Book  User's Guide

  • The HTML Table of Contents shows the name of the site and the first level of documents or folders in the site.

    Within the HTML table of contents, not every heading corresponds to a document. Folder nodes can contain other folders or documents. To see a document, you must expand the table of contents until you see a document icon. For example, click a folder icon to expand it and display the folders content. When you expand a branch of the table of contents, notice how the separator line moves and you see the children (below the line) of each parent node you click.

    To navigate back up in the table of contents, click one of the folder icons above the separator line.

    It is very important to click on the folders to open them. If you just click on the words, the folder will not open. You just have to click once on the folder to open it.
  • The document viewing area takes up the majority of the space on the interface. This is the area where you view the documents you select from the table of contents or from the results of a search. To view a document, simply navigate the table of contents and click on a document icon or heading. When you do this, you will see the document you selected appear in the document viewing area.

    You will notice that as you navigate down through the table of contents, the contents of the document viewing area do not change. Only when you select a document node, or a folder node that has content, does the content within the document viewing area change.

    After selecting a document from a list of search results, you are free to manually scroll through that document to identify all of its matches. Or, you could use the tools in the Document frame toolbar to navigate documents and their matches.
  • When searching for a certain phrase or word, use quotation marks at the beginning and end of the word(s). For example, “parking” or “financial disclosure.”

    After performing any search, the Results frame opens to display a search results list. The search results list contains all matches (if any) to the specified search.

    Clicking a result opens the document in the Document frame. After clicking a result, if you want to go back to your list of search results, click the “Results” link again.

    Another option that you can select is the “Doc/Results” link from the “Global Navigation.” The “Doc/Results” link horizontally splits the browser window into two frames that enable you to view the Document and Results frames simultaneously. 
  • Sync Contents expands or collapses the table of contents as necessary to show where the document is located in the site hierarchy and to view other documents in a similar context. Use sync contents to automatically expand the table of contents to the same location that you are at in the document pane. This feature can be useful in helping you locate where you are in an infobase and may assist you in finding related topics.
  • Next Match or Prev Match enables you to move from one match (highlighted term) to the next.
  • Clear Highlights removes the highlights from the matches in the current document. To have the highlights reappear, click the Results tab to return to the search results list and re-click the document from which you cleared highlights.
  • Find Similar performs a search based on the document you are viewing. This is similar to applying a filter within the Results frame except with only one document rather than potentially multiple documents. Both options allow you to narrow your search by finding similar content.
  • Print sends the entire document (Chapter) currently being viewed to your browsers print dialogue.
  • Bookmark provides a way to bookmark the current page and allows you to revisit it later.
  • The Print icon sends the entire document (Chapter) currently being viewed to your browsers print dialogue.

    To print just a section, for example Section 1-1, highlight the section that you want to print, right-click on mouse, select print. When the print dialogue comes up, under Page Range, click on Selection. Click on Print.