Message from the Chief

On behalf of the men and women of the Glendale Police Department I want to welcome you to our department. Our employees are committed to the safety and wellbeing of those that visit, work and live within our community. We are dedicated to remaining actively engaged and are constantly striving to ensure your safety and care.

The Glendale Police Department is a CALEA (Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies) accredited department and has maintained this standing since being awarded in 2000. This has been achieved through professionalism, innovation, and a determination to do what is right. We continuously seek new and improved ways to serve by valuing the input from those within our community. We encourage you to be part of our team and stay engaged with us through our website, social media, and in person. We recognize that trust and confidence are earned and we are committed to serving those that depend on us. Through open dialogue and continued partnerships we can be successful in creating a healthy and safe environment.

Interim Chief Colby Brandt

Interim Chief of Police

Interim Chief of Police

Colby Brandt

Interim Chief Colby Brandt joined the Glendale Police Department in 1997. Before being promoted to Assistant Chief of Police, Chief Brandt served as the Administrative Services Commander, overseeing training, personnel management, grants, budget, audits and inspections, and planning and research. He has served as a Patrol Officer, Property Crimes Detective, Auto Theft Detective, Patrol Sergeant, Neighborhood Response Squad Sergeant, Patrol Lieutenant, General Investigations Lieutenant and Gateway Patrol Commander.

Chief Brandt earned a Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration from Ottawa University and graduated with a Master of Science in Homeland Security from CalU. He is a graduate of the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy (FBINA), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Drug Unit Commanders Academy and the AZPOST Arizona Leadership Program (ALP).

Prior to joining the Glendale Police Department, Chief Brandt served as a United States Marine. He has been married for 30 years and has two children; a daughter and a son currently serving in the United States Air Force.