Glendale Police Awarded DUI Education and Enforcement grant through the DUI Abatement Council and the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety
In support of the Glendale Police Department’s commitment to traffic safety and vehicular collision reduction; the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety and the DUI Abatement Council has partnered with Glendale PD and awarded the Department a DUI Education and Enforcement grant through the DUI Abatement Grant Program:
The DUI Abatement Grant in the amount of $36,000, with a grant period of 10/1/2024, to 06/30/2025, will assist the Glendale Police Department in educating and providing Officers with additional skills and equipment necessary in identifying, properly investigate and properly process DUI related cases and collisions. The Glendale Police Department participates in DUI enforcement task forces throughout the year to educate and remove impaired drivers off our roadways and highways. The grant will also assist the Glendale Police Department in funding the addition of officers and resources in order to participation in those DUI task forces throughout the year.