Your Water

The Value of Water

Water is essential to all life and sustains our natural environment. Everyone uses water to drink, cook, clean and for sanitation. The average single-family residence in Glendale uses 9,000 gallons of water and generates 6,500 gallons of wastewater a month. The city is able to provide water and wastewater services to such residential customers for under $3 per day. The Department strategically manages water supplies through long-term planning, implementation of modern technologies, and the acquisition and use of renewable water resources.

Water Supply

The city uses renewable water supplies from the Salt, Verde and Colorado rivers, and stored water credits that are earned through the city’s recharge program. In addition, Glendale can pump a limited amount of groundwater when needed. Runoff from the Salt/Verde River watershed is stored in a series of lakes operated by the Salt River Project (SRP). Runoff from the Colorado River watershed is stored in Lake Powell, Lake Mead, and Lake Pleasant and delivered to Arizona through the Central Arizona Project (CAP) canal.

Salt River Project (SRP) – Snow and rain run-off from the Salt and Verde River watersheds.
Central Arizona Project (CAP) – Snow and rain run-off from the Colorado River watershed.
Groundwater – Underground water pumped from wells.
Reclaimed Water – Treated, recycled wastewater for non-potable use (landscape, industrial uses, etc.).

Water Treatment Process Video

The process the city of Glendale’s Water Services Dept. uses for treating water is both complex and fascinating. We have a fun way for you to learn all about it in this new video!

Common Drinking Water Questions