Lead and Copper

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In 2021, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revised the Lead and Copper Rule (LCRR) to protect public health and reduce exposure to lead and copper in drinking water. The most common source of lead in drinking water is the wearing away of materials containing lead in household plumbing (lead leaching from corrosion), including pipes made of lead, pipes joined with lead-based solder or galvanized iron pipes that have absorbed lead materials.

The city of Glendale has been monitoring lead and copper in homes in accordance with the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) since 1992, has been compliant with the LCR and has not exceeded the regulatory action levels for either lead or copper.

The compliance date for new requirements of the LCRR is October 16, 2024, and necessitates a multitude of actions including:

  • Identifying areas most affected through a service line inventory.

  • Strengthening treatment requirements.

  • Systematically replacing lead service lines, if found, and creating a plan for replacing galvanized service lines.

  • Increasing sample reliability.

  • Improving risk communication.

  • Prioritizing protection of children in schools and childcare facilities.

Service lines are defined as the pipe that connects from the water main to the inlet of the building or home, including privately and publicly owned sections. The service line inventory consists of all service lines within the distribution system, including those serving landscapes and residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Glendale does not have records of any known public lead service lines.


Components of LCRR

Glendale Water Services is required to field-verify and maintain an inventory of service line materials for properties served by Glendale Water Services. 
Between April and September 2024, Glendale Water Services staff will be conducting visual inspections at over 7,000 properties throughout Glendale.  The visual inspections involve identifying the service line material type at the water meter box and at the hose bib near the home or structure.

The randomly-selected locations for visual inspection were mailed a notification postcard. Click on the image below to view a copy of the notification postcard.

Postcard Image

Sampling Activities