National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
The NFIP is a program that makes federally backed flood insurance available in those states and communities that participate in the Community Rating System (CRS), by adopting and enforcing a floodplain management ordinance to

reduce future flood damage. CRS is administered under the 1968 National Flood Insurance Act and applicable federal regulations promulgated in Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Subchapter B.
Refer to for questions related to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). This includes information about Risk Rating 2.0, Buying a Policy, Renewing a Policy, Flood Risks, and Costs, Before and After a Flood, and Flood Zones and Maps.
What is Risk Rating 2.0?
FEMA has updated the NFIP risk rating methodology for determining the cost of a flood insurance policy through the implementation of a new pricing methodology called Risk Rating 2.0: Equity in Action.
The following factors are considered when pricing a flood insurance policy:
- Flood risk (e.g., your flood zone)
- The type of coverage being purchased (e.g. building and contents coverage).
- The deductible and amount of building and contents coverage.
- The location of your structure.
- The design and age of your structure.
- The location of your structure’s contents (e.g. Are your utilities elevated?).
If you are interested in purchasing Flood Insurance, this link will direct you to a list of providers, or call the NFIP at 1-877-336-2627.
If you already have a Flood Insurance Policy and need to renew it, select Renewing Flood Insurance Policy Under Risk Rating 2.0: Equity in Action for more information.
Select Rate Explanation Guide for information on how the cost of a Flood Insurance Policy is determined.
For information on Flood Insurance discounts, select the Discount Explanation Guide.