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Capture Water Savings (and Money Savings) with Water Conservation Rebates 

The warmer spring days mean Bermuda grass is waking up from dormancy, making it the perfect time to remove grass from unwanted or underutilized spaces. Sustaining a green and lush lawn in the low desert is not easy. It takes a lot of resources, such as water and money, time, and effort. This is especially true for areas that are difficult for an irrigation system to properly water.

Transforming your landscape into a low-water and desert-friendly space, known as a xeriscape, is the solution to many of those problems. Grass-to-xeriscape conversions save around 22 gallons of water per square foot. So, if you’re ready to start saving, then maybe it’s time to consider taking out your grass and replacing it with a xeriscape.

The most common method for removing Bermuda grass is with herbicides that kill the grass. In residential or smaller spaces, you can also opt for alternative methods, such as solarization, which consists of covering your lawn with clear plastic and allowing the sun to scorch the grass. Both methods are most effective between late June and October because the grass is actively growing, and solar radiation is at its highest.

Are you still undecided if it’s the right time to reduce the size of your lawn? The City of Glendale recently expanded the landscape rebate. Residential properties can receive a rebate of up to $3,000, and non-residential properties can receive up to $10,000. This summer, reimagine your landscape! Turn unused grass areas into an eye-catching, colorful and aesthetic xeriscape. Check program eligibility and apply at www.glendaleaz.com/rebates.



Posted by [email protected] On 23 May, 2024 at 10:26 AM  

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